well, it turns out that UPS, or OOPS as i've been calling them after they decided to send one of my packages back around the country, actually knows how to "leave boxes at the door" (hence the note i left them). after waiting days for more various thing that my mom has sent me--plates, bowls, a mattress pad, a comforter, shams, duvet covers, and a partridge in a pear tree--everything finally arrived! perfect timing seeing as i'm going to need all of these things as i moved into my new apartment this weekend. if i hadn't been so blessed with stella's kindness and generosity and was moving into a place without furniture, i guess i could have always used these as a couch:
2. come together
well, the beatles were right. today everything finally came together and fell into place. not only do i have a place to sleep...
but the furniture angels rained down on me and i couldn't be happier. there are a hundred reasons why i'm thrilled with this couch, but most importantly--of every pattern and every color and every design in the world, the one on my new couch is IDENTICAL to a piece of furniture that my parents have in our living room at home. when i saw the couch for the first time my heart literally skipped a beat. the chaise that my mom sits on every night happens to be the twin sister of this very couch.
i'd like to say, "what are the chances?" but i know this is all on purpose.
and yes, the coffee table is big enough to have a buffet on.
the table you've already seen--it still needs to be painted--but i just wanted you to get a better view of the yellow wall. i couldn't be happier with it and i already know exactly what's going to hang there. another big accomplishment today was finally painting my bedroom! i never realized how tedious of a job it is to paint, let alone how long it takes. i gave myself a big pat on the back when i covered up the last patch of white.
3. and by pat on the back, i mean...
although i found out that keltie isn't coming back until monday, i had my heart set on spending the night in my new apartment tomorrow. don't get me wrong, it was a HUGE (sorry sar) sigh of relief to know that i still had a few days to move the rest of my things out and clean both places. i had planned on eating a quick dinner and busting my tail getting most of my things out tonight, so it was the greatest feeling to sit down after this long day and relax. and by relax, i don't mean the part where i had to run out of the shower to wave pillows at the fire alarm which then was followed by having to answer the door in a towel in response to my neighbor shouting "is everything okay?!"
"yep, just making a pizza!"
...but hey, shit happens.
as i burnt the roof of my mouth on the first piece of pepperoni, it occured to me that this would be my very last night sleeping in this apartment. although the entire time it has been someone else's place, i told myself from the very beginning to try to think of it as home. that's exactly what apartment #14 has been to me and i sat here tonight thinking about how cozy i've been in this little place, something funny occured to me as i looked back on my very first night in hollywood...
some things never change.
highlight of the day:
all my life, all i've ever wanted was my very own big screen TV.
apparently in hollywood, dreams really DO come true.
yep. this is my new TV. giada was making turkey meatballs that were literally the size of my head. what more could i ask for?
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